December 4, 2008

The crazy times of the economic crisis

Well, things went pretty well with "17 - A tale about destiny".  The show was produced, aired in the spring of 2008 on CBS's Romanian brunch PrimaTv, and had a huge success. 

As we expected, the audience really responded to it the way it was intended: After shocking everybody, they finally gave their verdict on the series blog, later kept on the PrimaTv server still working under:  Comments posted:"The best series ever on Romanian TV!" "Why only one series? When the next?" etc.  The Show didn't sank because of the Economic Crises.  It stopped intentionally so it wouldn't turn into a cheap soap opera. 

In term os the crisis; Practically in today's Romania it is only an excuse for those who don't give a shit about anything else than politics and business. Therefore, I caught once again the best times and set up a Production Company and as soon as planed new projects got the expected news: There's no money to invest in a new project. 

I'm sure that all this is just a faze, and we will conquer the dark period, as once again art has to suffer from the mistakes of those they call themselves "business men", serious hard working people, that shape this beautiful world we are living in. It's just the way they wanted; All this reminds me of a little joke we had around when I was a kid: "Freedom has its price - that price is much bigger than anything money can buy, its paying with your soul!" - excuse my french. 

I remember history, when we had to read back in school and none of the future business men payed attention to what happened to art. It evolved, it reinvented itself each time, on the base of crisis', wars, poverty and hunger.  Many think life is good enough without arts.  Then do not ask, why when you turn on your TV set, you're bored and nobody does anything to entertain you.  After all what's entertainment good for?  Don't you have politicians all day long playing comedy on Tv?  I guess that's all one need for inspiration.

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